AOSAuthorization Property on Tables [AX 2012]

Posted: February 22, 2012 in AX

The AOSAuthorization table property enables you to specify which data access operations must undergo user permission checking.

Data Access Operations

The four fundamental data access operations are create, read, update, and delete. These operations are represented in combinations by the following AOSAuthorization enumeration values:

  • None
  • CreateDelete
  • UpdateDelete
  • CreateUpdateDelete
  • CreateReadUpdateDelete

No permission checking is done when the AOSAuthorization property is set to None.

Suppose AOSAuthorization is set to CreateDelete on a given table. In this case, create and delete operations would be allowed to execute only if the Application Object Server (AOS) can confirm that the user has the appropriate permissions. Update and read operations would execute without checking user permissions, because they are not mentioned in the chosen AOSAuthorization value.

An exception is thrown when permission checking finds that the user lacks the necessary permission.

When a new table is created, its AOSAuthorization value is set to None.

The AOSAuthorization property also applies to views.

Performing data access operations on a view will cause permission checking for that view. There will be no underlying permission checking on any table referenced by that view.

For example, suppose view Vew2 reads data from table Tab3. You have no read permission to either Vew2 or Tab3. The AOSAuthorization value on Vew2 is None, but on Tab3 it is CreateReadUpdateDelete. When you try to read from Vew2 the outcome will be a successful retrieval of data.

The permission checking is performed by the AOS. The AOS is called to perform this checking by the following table methods:

  • aosValidateDelete
  • aosValidateInsert
  • aosValidateRead
  • aosValidateUpdate

These methods are invoked once per affected table row. Therefore in some cases they may have a significant impact on performance.

No permission validation occurs when the AOSAuthorization property is set to None. In these cases the method skipAOSValidation is used instead. This executes only one time for the entire operation, which reduces the risk of slow performance.

For more information about these table methods, see Table Methods.

Notice the calls to methods assert and skipAosValidation. Between these two methods the call toassert does need to occur first.

server static void JobPermAssertSkip(Args _args)
    AssetTable tabAt;
    SkipAOSValidationPermission perm;
    perm = new SkipAOSValidationPermission();
    update_recordset tabAt
        setting MaintenanceInfo3 = "Useful information."
        where tabAt.AssetId == "goodvalue";
server static void JobUnchecked(Args _args)
    select firstonly forupdate LedgerTrans
    where LedgerTrans.RecId == 123;
    if (LedgerTrans.RecId)
        LedgerTrans.Txt = 'Hello';

Log entries related to table permissions are written when an exception is thrown due to permission checking finding that the user lacks the necessary permission.

When executing a secured server method or service operation in checked mode the AOSAuthorization property is always ignored and permissions are checked for all operations on all tables within the method.

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